Master’s thesis

The aim of the Final Project Master (TFM) is to deepen in the study of a subject, all applying the skills and the knowledges purchased along it titulation. Attended the characteristic of the Advocacia Master, the TFM has to consist, in one juridical compulsorily. 

The student will choose the thematic field of the TFM and will develop the work under the direction of one/to tutor/to specialist in the juridical field chosen. The/the tutor/to him will suggest to the possible student pertaining subjects to the thematic field and, once concretised the subject, will orient him in the search of normative, jurisprudence and bibliography. It foresees that, given the characteristic of the object of the compulsorily, the TFM can be directed for two tutors/ pertaining to different areas of knowledge. 

Seen-and-plau of the tutor/to for the deposit

Model by heart Final of the TFM

. Acta Of qualification of the TFM
